inspired, perhaps, by the little cable box i got to replace my big huge cable box. not because i was supposed to get the little cable box but because the big huge cable box the cable guy brought to replace mine didn't work either & it was the last one in his truck.
he goes on to say something about there being a 50/50 chance the little box will be ok after installation because they're rarer & don't work as consistently well as the big boxes--
(this is the point in the conversation where i mentally prepare myself to accept the fact that i might never have cable again. this is to avoid the *eternally hopeful syndrome* which is really just setting myself up for disappointment & also pave the way for a journey-of-life bonus if everything works out fine in the end)
--but here's my card (he says) so i can call if it breaks down to set up an appointment for a big box replacement.
i surfed for fashion while he was dealing with the cable box issue. after he left, i noticed a pattern of bookmarking abbreviated things in my stylehive.
or anyway, that's the spin i'm giving this.

alexander wang pleated tuxedo short
at la garconne
heimstone metallic trimmed shawl collar gilet
at la garconne
at la garconne

at la garconne