
Sunday, April 27, 2008

test 2: kouign amann.

test 2: kouign amann

the first try was a doughy result. eh.

next i babelfished the technique & decided that for test 2 i would do 4 folds as for puff pastry.

so here's test 2. i still don't know if it's right, but at last we have a yeast-raised butter cake. the texture was significantly different this time around with the 4 folds/turns. a whole lot lighter & even though it's yeast-raised, it's cakey-tender with pieces of crispy, caramelized sugar.

i didn't use pamplie butter because i was just testing technique, so i'll probably do 1 more test with the pamplie & then set it aside until i can taste the real thing. (C & i have been searching for kouign amann in san francisco but to no avail. if exists here, it's on someone's secret menu.)

changes from last time:

used 1 3/4 C sugar
4 folds, as for puff pastry (see video below)
chill 10 minutes between folds.
bake at 400 for 28 minutes

puff pastry technique on a champagne buzz.
my kind of girls.