Forrester is new to the bakery trade, but a veteran in all things sophisticated and refined...Off-hours, Courtney and her husband, Michael, an investment banker, would entertain. The entrĂ©e? Easy. The dessert? Not so much. Courtney couldn’t find a decent cupcake... Though it’s only been open to the public for a few days, Sweet has already supplied confections for private parties at Harvard University, Ralph Lauren boutique and proper children’s parties in Beacon Hill...If you pop in, you’ll see Courtney, dressed in a whimsical confection, big smile on her face, and sweet as can be. Just like her cupcakes...Courtney occasionally writes a fashion column for Boston Common magazine, spotlighting some of the city’s best style finds.
i just might self-destruct. the pre-menopausal herb pills from my acupuncturist are not working right now & to make matters worse:
1) i don't consume unknown & untraceable amounts of alcohol to ensure that every day is a no worries situation.
2) my active lifestyle does not involve a neverending google search for the next best combo of anti-depressants to make sure that i am happy-happy-happy.
3) i'm not keeping myself stoned 24/7 so that i can c'est la vie my way through life.
this is me, substance-free (except for the box of nicorette gum which is just to ensure that i don't die alone), miserable & paying the rent.
success is mine.