another 1940s pattern. i have a vision for the style on the right, but first the muslin in lavender* cotton which is going to be a combo of both styles.
the fit of the last '40s project with the 36" bust was so good i thought this jumper with the 36" bust would go the same way. but when i pulled the pattern pieces out of the envelope there were no markings on them.
none whatsoever.

the pattern instructions say to allow a 3/4" seam allowance for the armholes & 1/2" for all other edges. this is probably something that's covered in VERY BASIC SEWING SKILLS THAT EVERYONE KNOWS, but i wasn't sure if that meant you should measure the seam allowances outwards from the edges of the pattern pieces or if the edges were the cutting lines, with the seam allowances inside.
you know, i had 2 options so i went with drawing my own cutting lines, allowing for a 5/8" seam allowance around all edges because that's what i'm used to.
it took me about 30 minutes to baste all the pieces together & when i tried it on it was GIGANTIC. i'm guessing it's somewhere between 2 & 3 sizes too big for me, which brings me to--
--pattern grading.
it wasn't on the agenda, probably doesn't absolutely need to be on the agenda, but no time like the present & all the rest of it.
about these vintage patterns. working with pattern pieces that are 60+ years old is thrilling in a way i can't even describe.
*i can't wear pastel fabrics in public because i look stupid in pastels. however, i love lavender, so this muslin will be the comfy, lavender cotton dress that i wear around the house.
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