save for goodbyes, i haven't cried about anything in years. but today i got the chatty dental hygienist & came this. close.
it really is a hostage situation. endlessly talking & scraping & then stopping to emphasize whatever the hell his point was with the sharp & pointy dental tool.
i lost all will to live.
i need to get out of this city. on wednesday, dennis the menace is flying up from vegas (where it was an astounding 117 deg. today) & we are headed for some camping & fishing on the beach. Wednesday can't come soon enough.
that's not business i'm conducting on my blackberry, it's diner dash & it's threatening to take up every free moment i have on public transportation, riding in elevators or waiting in lines. bring the baby a high chair. margarita's cantina is serving free chips & salsa. espresso for a mood boost.