remember these?
it's been a couple of months since i've sewed, but this weekend i finally got back to it and made some progess on these trousers.
awhile back, i bought some fabric for $2.99/yard from the cheap fabric place. i don't know what the fabric is, but it's stretchy and very drapey and although i didn't plan it that way, it turned out to be perfect for this style of pants.
i got rid of 2 vertical inches at the top of the pants in the paper version--

--but now that i've sewn together the fabric version, i can see that the crotch still hangs pretty low & the waist is still really high. i thought about starting over and redrawing the pattern pieces again, but the truth is you can't really tell the crotch is low due to the combo of drapey fabric & super-wide legs. plus the pants are really swingy and comfortable so who cares about the super-high waist & that is how you keep everything moving forward.
the pants are now put together with lining & a zipper that did not go in without a fight. the zipper had seen better days because it was repurposed from the failed skirt reconstruct project, but i eventually won.
i decided not to make these overalls, so the only thing left to do is make the waistband belt and then i can put some cuffs on them.
cuffs! i've never done cuffs before, but i can't wait.

as a side note, the sewing machine is getting louder and more clanky. i clean & oil it regularly so i'm not sure what all the noise is about. it wasn't an expensive machine, but until i get my Domestic sewing machine from dennis the menace (we still haven't figured out the best way to get it from vegas to sf), i really need this one to keep going.