yes that is me sandwiched inside a rack at wal-mart trying to push the water bottles on the shelf above to the front. there is probably no reasonable explanation for why an almost 47-year old woman would choose this method to get at some water bottles, except that she is almost 47 years old so if she can, she might as well, before she can't, anymore. & trust me it was much faster than waiting for someone to come and assist us.
while in chicago, i experienced 7 deliciously warm & humid sunny summer days, which was a welcome change from the freezing cold & foggy summers we have here in san francisco. i also got to test drive the Mother Cadillac Of All Sewing Machines- The Bernina. & not only does my cousin have a Bernina, she also has a Bernina serger.
Miss Burton, bless her little, is lovely but she has her issues. So does my other machine, the cheap Kenmore, which refuses to cooperate with me on zippers. the Bernina on the other hand, has no issues. none. furthermore, the Bernina actually works with you to make the sewing experience pleasant. i nearly wept with joy. & then there's the serger which is just about the most amazing thing ever invented.
the cuz suggested i get some cheap fabric & sew up a simple vest to test out the machines. we used McCall's #3402.
i got some denim fabric on sale at Joann's. i forget what the price/yard was, but it was cheap. i also decided to do an exposed zipper because i've always wanted to try that.
i wanted a fairly trim vest, so we brought the side seams in & made some alterations to the armholes using a french curve

the vest was otherwise really easy. & because i had no problems with the sewing machine & the serger made quick & beautiful work of my seams, that leaves me with nothing to complain about for 3 paragraphs, so i'll just show you some close up shots of **the amazing Bernina serger** at work


i can't afford a Bernina right now, but i did find a Bernina serger on ebay. it should be here tomorrow. pictures soon!