probably no one remembers the time when i saw a woman on the street wearing blue track shoes & became obsessed with finding a pair for myself.
for a couple of months i looked everywhere. i pulled in *jenni & Anj as reinforcements. but we couldn't locate a single pair of blue track shoes.
i did find some professional track shoes. & by professional i mean, you know, actual track shoes with metal spikes. in a moment of desperation i considered buying the professional track shoes & removing the spikes. ultimately, i came to my senses. i didn't buy the professional track shoes & i more or less gave up on the whole idea of blue track shoes.
but then this past weekend i found the Onitsuka Tiger Ultimate 81 track shoes in big, bright, beautiful blue.
the tag says that the 81 stands for 1981, which is the year they first made these shoes.
i graduated from high school in 1981.