
MAC asked Gourmet's Food Editor, Maggie Ruggiero, to make cherry pies for their Cult of Cherry video
(yes please)
article source: gourmet.com
On the set, “baking” took on a whole new meaning. I was assembling a pie under blazing-hot lights, working deliberately and passing the dough sporadically to my pie-assistant, Greg, for our well-intentioned yet useless attempts at chilling, all the time trying to appear cool and chic—this was MAC, after all.

Cult of Cherry is MAC's latest collection. i think it was released a week or so ago & i get the MAC promo mailers, but nothing in the mail yet & as of last weekend, nothing in the MAC windows down the street about it.
i usually greet the MAC collections with an eh (i didn't get the Fafi thing at all), but there is no possible way i'm going to be able to resist deep chocolatey red lip colors.
Here's Mattene in Rapturous, Kirsch, Chock, Bing

image source (& good overview of the product line) at glossy-kiss.blogspot