
Monday, September 22, 2008

ISO financiers pan.

i've wanted a proper financiers pan for some time & my mom has gifted me with the funds to buy one.

i just assumed i'd be able to find a metal financiers pan, but it seems they're only available in silicone these days.

i've used silicone bakeware a grand total of 1 time because i didn't like anything about the finished product. i'd done some mini cakes for a caterer in his silicone molds & they came out sort of shiny, with a chewy crust that's best described as weird. plus the flexible pans are a disaster waiting to happen if you ask me, or if you are me.

but unless i happen to find a vintage metal pan, it looks like i'll be baking with silicone again.

pan source: elastomoule by williams-sonoma