Dennis the Menace & I met in LA and spent the weekend with our best friends. We miss our friends (not to mention each other) so much.
I knit this contrast turtleneck for Taz, our friends' dog. It knit up in a flash. Much faster than it took to sew the pieces together. I didn't have a yarn needle with me, so I used a bent bobby pin. Slow going, but it worked.
The sweater fits around his body perfectly, but I think it needs to be a little longer because the turtleneck is pulling at the neck. The next one will be knit in a size medium (12" along the back) and that should be perfect.
Taz was very curious about what I was knitting and he kept coming over to watch my progress. He stood completely still when we put it on him and although I can't be sure, I think he really likes his new green sweater.
I can tell you one thing- the new sweater certainly hasn't hindered play time in his favorite dirt patch.

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