Thursday, December 31, 2009
Little Milton - Grits Ain't Groceries
i don't particularly enjoy flying anymore, but i met Caroline & George from British Columbia on the long flight to Florida & they were so interesting we didn't run out of things to talk about the entire time. That's about 8 hours of talking & if you know me at all, you know it's highly unusual for me to be that social. when i told Dennis the Menace about Caroline & George he said they must be very special people & they are- they're the 10%.
I'm hoping Dennis the Menace & I will be able to meet up with them in Parker, Arizona in early February. according to Caroline & George, there's a must-see restaurant/bar out in the middle of nowhere near Parker, which is about a 2 hour drive from Vegas. (Edit: i think this is the place.) i really hope we can make this happen, but it's dependent on timing. They'll be bringing their motor home down from BC & their road trip is dependent on 4 days of clear weather among the usual winter snowstorms in the north.
as to Grits Ain't Groceries- i overheard a band talking about this song on the flight from Vegas to Oakland, so I had to look it up. my guess was that it would turn out to be a great blues song & i was right.
today i'm making lucky lentils for new years.