I learned how to make thread loops this weekend for a finishing touch on the 1973 dress. I thought they were going to be a pain but they were actually quite fun. I found the best support to be doubled thread & 2 "bridges" for the blanket stitches which you just line up along the bridge so that it looks like a little chain when it's finished. Above are 3 test loops with double thread. the bottom is a single bridge, middle is a double bridge & the top is double bridge, but with a much smaller loop.
Here are the finished loops. I sewed them into the seam so except for one knot, everything is hidden. Next time I'll try to remember to leave a small section of the seam open so I can hide everything.

Now onto sewing the hooks. The most difficult part about thread loops and hooks (or hooks & eyes) is proper placement on the garment. if you don't get it just right, you'll end up with the gap you're trying to avoid by sewing the loops, hooks & and eyes in the first place.

I tried a few different placements, but nothing really worked. Supposedly, you do the loops or eyes so that just a bit of them are showing at the edge & then you place the hook just inside the other edge. I did the bottom one as instructed, but still had a gap, so I moved the top hook back a little bit. That didn't work either. The first test I did was both loop & eye just inside the edge but again - I got a gap. These loops & hooks are hidden by the collar, so I'm not that concerned about it, but at some point I'll need to figure out how to do this.
Here's the hand-picked zipper:

& i scored 2 vintage Vera scarves on ebay for $5.00 each. because nothing says early 1970s like a Vera Neumann scarf

Simplicity 5679, c. 1973 - done

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