photo: threads magazine
threads is a great magazine. i'm fortunate to have a friend who quilts & she has gifted me with a stack of threads magazines. i'm thrilled! hand-picked zipper? never heard of it, but it's an interesting technique & i'm filing it away for future reference.
of zippers (more)- mom pulls through again. at christmas, she gave me 2 different sets of invisible zipper feet from her sewing gear. she said "i don't know if any of these will fit your machine but you could try."
lo & behold, we have a perfect fit!
i now understand why mom said putting in the zipper was easy. it really is, when you have an invisible zipper foot. setting the zipper back into the reconstructed skirt was no problem.

except that now i might have to take the zipper back out. it all depends on what happens when i add the lining to the skirt.