Sunday, January 02, 2011
I expect 2011 will be filled with change and I'm betting it will be the kind of change that requires me to hold out hope that One of these days I'll look back on all this and laugh.
To that end, I've decided to do my own version of the 365 Project: "365". Because on December 31, 2011 I want to be able to look back on the previous 364 days and, for the first time ever, know exactly where the hell a whole entire year went. No more depressing revelations about how I accomplished absolutely nothing during the year.
Why, already in 2011 I've roasted cruciferous vegetables (Top: curried cauliflower and Bottom: broccoli with garlic and parmesan)--
--to say nothing of the morning buns and split pea soup of yesterday.
I'm on a roll.
I don't need anymore self-imposed stress in my life, so my equipment for this project is my iPhone 4. It's always with me which cuts out any excuses about how I didn't feel like lugging the camera around with me.
I also have the Photogene app which allows me to resize, edit & post photos directly to my flickr account. That should get rid of the I just didn't have the time excuses.
And to knock off the mother of all excuses for not posting -- my photos are crap -- I've decided to use the 'posterize' effect in Photogene which does an excellent job of camouflaging the raw photo:
As an added incentive, I've added a "365" flickr badge to the top of the sidebar on the right, so it's in my face every time I come here to post about something.
If one day the badge is gone from here, it would be safe to assume that I came up with new & improved excuses for why I lost interest in "365". But for now- 2 days down, 363 to go.